Legends Rising > County Laws > Officer onboarding & Training

Officer onboarding & Training

Onboarding and Training program for new officers, covering various aspects:

1. Introduction to Law & Order: Understanding legal principles and frameworks, including penal codes, the constitution, and local ordinances.

2. Firearms Proficiency: Rigorous training in marksmanship, firearm safety, and tactical shooting.

3. Physical Fitness & Self Defense: Endurance runs, strength training, and hand-to-hand combat techniques.

4. Investigation & Crime Scene Management: Comprehensive training in investigative techniques, evidence collection, and crime scene management.

5. Community Engagement & Conflict Resolution: Building positive relationships with the community, conflict resolution strategies.

6. Communication & Etiquette: Developing clear and effective communication skills, and proper etiquette while interacting with others.

7. Practice Field Training: Hands-on exercises simulating real-life scenarios, working alongside experienced officers.

8. Recording Training Times: Documentation of training hours and issued training for promotion consideration, to be recorded on the law newspaper (discord).

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Officer onboarding & Training